Arizona Model Trains
Arizona Model Train Show Calendar

Winter Cactus Meet

The Cactus Meets are the biggest AZ shows. They are ALWAYS worth attending.

One of the best shows in Arizona. This show is hosted by the Grand Canyon Model Railroader Club. They have two large shows a year - One in the winter, and one in the fall. Both shows are well attended by buyers and sellers. You'll see a large selection of toy and model trains.

You can print a flyer below with a coupon for $1 off admission.

If you want tables, there is a link to a flyer below for them - act quickly as they always sell out.

When: Saturday, Feb. 15th, 2025
Where: North Phoenix Baptist Church
5757 N. Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ


Flyer with $1.00 off admission coupon

Flyer for table orders.

NOTE -- The Grand Canyon Model Railroaders in addition to these Cactus meets the club also hosts two Mini-Meets a year.

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